Our curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Stroud Green Primary we want the best possible learning experience for our children. We aim to ensure that all learning is relevant, accessible and meaningful.
Our curriculum is inclusive and all students receive a high-quality education via an ambitious, well-designed and well-sequenced curriculum which fosters creativity and knowledge. We aim to create confident, literate and numerate individuals with high aspirations who are able to ask questions, take risks, tackle challenges and grow their minds. Our teachers are committed to supporting the needs of all children and personalise the learning accordingly.
Our curriculum is rich, rigorous, ambitious and broad. It reflects the diversity of our community through the topics we learn, the texts we share, the trips we experience, the visitors we meet and the links we make within our community. Our focus on oracy across our curriculum ensures all children become knowledgeable, articulate, young learners, who enjoy learning and are equipped for life beyond Stroud Green and whatever life throws at them.
Subject leaders each play an important part in developing the whole school curriculum, continuously developing their own subject knowledge and that of our teachers to ensure their subjects are taught ambitiously and are engaging, well sequenced and relevant to our school community. We employ a variety of specialist teachers in Music, Sports, Spanish and Computing who support the delivery of the curriculum and throughout the year we enjoy themed days and weeks to enrich our children’s school experience.
We use a variety of carefully selected, programmes of study, that we feel share our visions and values for oracy, knowledge and confidence. We are flexible in our approach, adopting our resources to best suit the needs and interests of our children and are constantly adding and developing our curriculum so that it is not stagnant or out dated.
If you would like further information on any aspect of the curriculum, please click on the subjects below or contact our Curriculum Lead Cheryl Barker.
KS1-KS2 Curriculum Maps
KS1-KS2 Curriculum Maps
Click here for our whole school Autumn term curriculum
Click here for our whole school Spring term curriculum
Click here for our whole school Summer term curriculum
Click here for Year One yearly overview
Click here for Year Two yearly overview
Click here for Year Three yearly overview
Click here for Year Four yearly overview
Click here for Year Five yearly overview
Click here for Year Six yearly overview
Our intent for each of our children is based upon the need for them to enter the world of work as articulate and literate individuals with a strong love of reading and writing. We recognise the responsibility to send children to secondary school having mastered the key skills of Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing. Our curriculum at Stroud Green enables our children to develop the skills and knowledge needed to achieve this.
At Stroud Green, we know that being a confident, competent reader impacts on all other areas of the curriculum. We strive for our children to be able to speak about the books and authors they love with passion and enthusiasm and we expose them to a wide variety of texts to give them the best start. Books are central to everything we do, and we choose texts to ensure that all children see themselves reflected in the stories, including children from BAME heritage and LGBTQ+ families.
From the Summer Term of Year Two, children have daily 'Destination Reader' lessons. During these lessons, the children focus on a range of strategies to help them when they are reading. These include clarifying new vocabulary, inferring, predicting, evaluating and making connections to other stories they have read or heard. Through paired reading, the children develop their speaking and listening skills, which is a valuable life skill and positively impacts on all other areas of their learning. Additionally, the teacher works with each child individually throughout the week to ensure that they are also working on expression and intonation.
We know that when a child is a reader, there is no limit to what they can do, so children are also given many opportunities throughout the week to read for pleasure and develop a love for books and reading.
It is our vision that every child leaves Stroud Green as a competent, resilient writer, who can communicate their thoughts and opinions confidently. As with reading, our daily English lessons are focused around high-quality, ambitious texts, and by teaching English in this way, the children are immersed in the story they are learning. In turn, this improves their writing as the children build their vocabulary and understand the characters in more depth. Our units of work encompass all areas of the English curriculum and the children are given many opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills daily. SPAG is embedded in each unit. Children are encouraged to write for different purposes and audiences and are taught to edit and refine their work.
Children at Stroud Green receive spellings to learn each week via Spelling Shed. The spellings are a mixture of either spelling patterns or words from the National Curriculum statutory spelling lists. The spelling pattern/statutory words will be taught in school to ensure that all children understand their meaning. This helps them to use the words in their day-to-day writing.
Click here for Autumn 1 overview for English
Click here for Autumn 2 overview for English
Click here for Spring 1 overview for English
Click here for Spring 2 overview for English
Click here for Summer 1 overview for English
Click here for Summer 2 overview for English
At Stroud Green, our intent is that every child leaves SGS a confident mathematician, one which has mastered each maths concept securely and deeply. High quality maths mastery teaching begins in the nursery where children are taught using the NCETM Number block resources. Once children enter reception we use Power Maths as the basis of our Maths lessons until the end of year 6. Power Maths is an exciting class mastery approach which is recommended by the DfE. This structured teaching and learning strategy builds every concept in small, progressive steps.
This interactive whole-class teaching model is founded on the conviction that the whole class works on the same content so that no child is left behind. It encourages thinking and precise mathematical language, allowing children to develop their understanding as far as they can. At the heart of this programme is the idea that all children can achieve and be successful mathematicians with the right growth mindset. It promotes this through five child friendly characters, each with their own positive skillset, to inspire and motivate children.
Since maths competence depends on mastering concepts one-by-one in a logical progression, it is important that no gaps in understanding are ever left unfilled. At SGS we believe that intervention is about 'keeping up' and not 'catching up'. As a result we focus on addressing gaps or misconceptions within the lesson itself or later that day.
There are a number of ways we stretch and challenge our highest attaining mathematicians. The Power Maths scheme includes a set of deepen activities, these open ended-activities enable children to have a strong understanding of unit content. We have also developed a strong partnership with Highgate School whereby our most able year 5 mathematicians participate in their mathematics masterclass, providing them with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the scope, creativity, relevance and potential application of mathematics.
At Stroud Green we are always reflecting upon our teaching practices and the resources we use. We are in our second year of working with Maths Hub, who partner with the NCETM. In collaboration with other leading local schools we strive to continuously refine our teaching and delivery of Maths Mastery.
Click here for our yearly overview
There is a real buzz around Science at Stroud Green - ask the children, they will tell you. The evidence can be seen in every classroom, from objects, books and materials on display, to growing investigations happening on window sills! We encourage their natural instincts by inviting visitors, conducting special events and competitions throughout the year.
We have invested in a rich curriculum written by the Haringey Education Partnership for Science, as well as other subjects such as RE, History and Geography, which is both inclusive and engaging. In KS2, the children begin the HEP curriculum that is woven throughout KS2 which was written especially for Haringey Schools.
Our curriculum is designed to enable students to develop their enquiry skills, as well as their knowledge, as they progress through the school. In Early Years, staff plan opportunities for children to explore their environment and begin to make observations about the world around them, led by their interests. Staff provide both guided Science tasks and activities that are set up in the provision to allow children to behave scientifically in their independent learning as they develop their knowledge and understanding of the world.
In KS1 and 2, a whole afternoon is dedicated to Science each week. All lessons have a question focus and are based around one of the Scientific enquiry skills (observing over time, comparative and fair testing, research, pattern seeking and identifying, classifying and grouping). The Fascinate graphics for these skills are displayed on every Science working wall; they are used in flipcharts and referred to in lessons, so our students are really aware of the skills they are using to investigate the question.
As part of our Science curriculum, every year group has a new inspirational scientist to learn about each half term that links to their Science topic. We want to provide the children with a range of inspirational scientists from a range of different backgrounds with a wide range of skills. We also want to provide our children with a range of careers in science that they hadn't even thought of.
Science vocabulary is displayed for the current unit in each classroom, and teachers explicitly introduce key vocabulary at the beginning of each Science lesson. Activities are planned to enable our learners to use and embed the new vocabulary in many ways, such as practical activities, discussion tasks, and quizzes as well as through written work.
Click here for our whole school science overview
Humanities at Stroud Green Primary School
We are on an exciting journey at Stroud Green when it comes to teaching and learning Humanities (History, Geography and Religious Education). We have invested in a rich curriculum written by the Haringey Education Partnership for all 3 subjects, which is both inclusive and engaging.
At Stroud Green Primary School, we aim to provide a vocabulary and knowledge rich History curriculum that represents our cohort and their respective backgrounds. Our curriculum aims to create strong cross curricular links, especially across RE and Geography. By engaging children, using story telling, we aim to engage them in the past.
During the Foundation Stage at Stroud Green, children will begin developing an understanding of the world. They begin to make sense of their physical world and their community using opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and their environment. Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.
In Key Stage 1 pupils will learn how to look for similarities and differences between life today and in the past and use common words associated with the passing of time. They will study the lives and lifestyles of familiar people in the recent past and learn about famous people and events in the more distant past, including those from British history. They will talk and write about things that happened and why people acted as they did. Pupils will find out about the past using different sources of information and representations. Towards the end of the key stage, pupils begin our chronologically mapped curriculum starting with the Stone Age and Neolithic periods.
In Key stage 2, our curriculum is carefully mapped so that knowledge develops chronologically up to the end of the key stage. Pupils in lower KS2 will find out about people and ways of life from ancient times and civilisations. They will develop a sense of the ancient world and the achievements across the globe, making comparisons where relevant. In upper KS2 they will learn about different aspects of British and local history and discuss how and why things happened or changed and the legacies we see in life today. Across the Key Stage, pupils will learn to appreciate the contribution different societies have made to the world. This is linked to their own identities and that of our diverse community. They will learn how to carry out historical enquiries using a variety of sources of information and look at how and why the past is interpreted in different ways. Pupils will develop and deepen their understanding of chronology and of important concepts that impact on our world today, such as civilisations, trade, empires, democracy, rulers and settlements as they go through the key stage.
At Stroud Green, we believe that geography should inspire children to be curious and encourage them to develop empathy and a sense of responsibility towards the planet and its inhabitants. By learning about different countries and communities, our pupils appreciate the diverse cultures, landscapes and environments that make up our world.
Through continuous and enhanced provision, children in both Nursery and Reception will explore the natural world around them. They begin to describe their own environment using knowledge from observation, discussion, stories and non-fiction texts. Children learn to recognise some similarities and differences between life in the UK and life in other countries. Furthermore, they begin to draw information from simple maps and understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them.
In Key Stage 1, children focus on topics that will enable them to explore geographical skills and acquire the vocabulary they need to develop their knowledge of the world. This includes discussions about local communities and the importance of places beyond their immediate surroundings. Topics include 'Where do I live?', 'My world and me' and 'The four seasons’. This early exposure lays the groundwork for more advanced geographical concepts as they continue their education.
In lower Key Stage 2, they delve into more specific topics such as 'Rivers', 'Mountains' and 'Populations’, still incorporating the geographical skills and vocabulary they learned in KS1 and building on their existing knowledge. They gain insights into how these physical features influence human activities, including settlement patterns and agriculture.
In upper Key Stage 2, children engage in more advanced and in-depth studies of the world, building critical skills and knowledge that prepare them for future learning. They examine geographical similarities and differences and discuss how both physical and human geographical changes can have an impact on local lives. This helps them to understand the interconnectedness of the world and the challenges it faces. Topics include, ‘Energy and Climate Change’, ‘Migration’ and ‘The Amazon’.
It is imperative to us that children are taught the geographical skills which can be carried onto secondary school and help our pupils navigate and contribute positively to an ever-changing world.Religious Education
At Stroud Green, we emphasise the importance of learning about the beliefs of others, in order to identify commonalities between seemingly different people, in order to encourage an understanding, accepting community. In Key Stage 1, children learn about a variety of religions and the positive messages that they have in common. They are encouraged to draw inspiration from messages of kindness, charity and generosity.
In Key Stage 2, Religious education becomes more specific, drawing in lessons from philosophy and enabling children to question and discuss. The units of work link in with the skills and knowledge that they have acquired in History and Geography and they are able to make comparisons, references and draw conclusions about what they have learned and where specific religions have come from.
Click here for our Geography overview
Click here for our History overview
Click here for our Religious Education overview
Our children are growing up in an increasingly technological age. They approach computing with keenness and curiosity and quickly become adept at operating the systems. Each classroom is well equipped with laptops, and up to date interactive white boards. In addition we have ipads and chrome books for classes to use.
Our curriculum covers the three following areas:
- Computer science (programming or coding, and problem solving)
- Information Technology (for example, using spreadsheets, creating presentations and manipulating graphics)
- Digital Literacy (encompassing e-safety and teaching pupils how to select the most appropriate digital content).
From September 2021 we have been following the National Centre for Computing scheme of work.
Through the teaching of computing and online safety at Stroud Green, children are encouraged to safely use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.
The children learn new computing and e-safety specific knowledge and skills, and apply existing ones from a variety of disciplines, in particular mathematics, science and design and technology - all subjects that computing has deep links with. The knowledge and skills learned in computing are also applied across the entire curriculum.
Click here to see our curriculum overview
Click here to see our online safety policy
At Stroud Green Primary School, we believe that Music is a universal language. It embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. We use Music Express as our main resource. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. We are aware of the positive impact that music has on children's and adult's mental health and well-being.
This begins in EYFS with simple singing and learning of repetitive songs. Musical instruments are also used within the continuous provision. In Key Stage One this progresses into more structured songs where there are verses and a chorus. Children also learn how to play simple patterns on musical instruments, how to compose simple songs and how to improvise. This progresses further in Key Stage Two where children learn even more complicated songs with differing structures. Also, they learn to play more complicated patterns using instruments, how to compose their own tunes and songs and finally how to improvise using their musical knowledge.
Through Haringey Music Service, all children in Year 4 learn an instrument and have the opportunity to continue these in Years 5 & 6. Children of all years can apply for peripatetic music lessons. We have a new music room which is a dedicated space for children to learn music with the right resources. As well as this, we have two choirs to further enrich our musical development.
Click here for our music overview
At Stroud Green we follow the national curriculum for physical education and health. As set out in the national curriculum, we teach a high-quality PE curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Children also have opportunities to compete in sport and other activities (through intra and inter school games). PE also helps them to build character and helps to embed values such as fairness and respect.
Following the national curriculum and using Complete PE, we aim to ensure all pupils;
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
- build self-esteem, confidence and resilienceTo further enrich our curriculum, we subscribe to Islington’s sports competitions offer and children in Years 2-6 have the opportunity to participate in various competitions against other same aged children. Also, we take part in Haringey’s Cycling League where children in Years 4-6 have the opportunity to compete in a variety of cycling based challenges and races.
Click here for our PE overview
Art and DT
Art and DT
At Stroud Green, we encourage children's artistic development from nursery to Year 6. We believe that art is a vital part of our pupils' education so we provide opportunities for the children to express themselves through a range of chosen mediums. We want our pupils to gain confidence with a variety of materials, using drawing, painting and sculpting techniques to bring their ideas to life. We also provide opportunities to investigate colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Throughout the year, pupils spend time studying a variety of artists, and are exposed to styles from different time periods and cultures. Pupils are expected to think critically, discuss and express their options and views on artists work, their own work and that of their peers. As a result, pupils develop detailed knowledge and a wide variety of skills across the art and design curriculum. Where possible, art and design units link to other areas of the curriculum, and the skills and knowledge that our pupils will develop throughout their art units are mapped out for each year group, ensuring progression. At Stroud Green, we help children to gain an awareness of how art and design both reflect and shape our history.
Design and Technology
In Design and Technology, the focus is on the process of creating. Pupils are encouraged to spend time on the design stage, communicating their ideas through discussion, diagrams and computer-aided design, and evaluation is equally important. In the classroom, we invite children to be imaginative with their resources and materials, using everyday items from the world around them to create something spectacular. Children acquire a wide range of skills in design and technology and learn how to become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.
Click here for the Art and Design and Technology overview
At Stroud Green we celebrate the many languages that are spoken at home. We also enjoy learning Modern Foreign Languages, a compulsory element of the National Curriculum from KS2. We believe that learning a language will positively influence our children's future
professional careers and allow them to explore the world with greater freedom. It will make their days at Stroud Green even more exciting, enhancing linguistic skills, cognitive development and building greater cultural awareness.
At Stroud Green, all children take part in weekly Spanish lessons. These lessons are delivered by specialist Spanish teachers in Reception and KS1 and the class teachers with the support of our deputy head who speaks Spanish. Each year in the summer term, we host a Spanish celebration event where children learn about the different Spanish speaking countries around the world. We have cultural visits that have included flamenco dancers and a Mariachi band and invite our Spanish speaking parents to take part. We are constantly looking at ways to raise the profile of Spanish in school and this year we are looking for a partner school.Click here for our Spanish yearly overview
At Stroud Green Primary School, we recognise the value of PSHE as it enables our children to develop knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, both in the present and in the future. We want our pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work. When delivered well, PSHE education has an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.
We aim to ensure that every child is guaranteed a PSHE education that covers mental health and wellbeing, physical health (including healthy lifestyles and first aid) and learning about safe, healthy relationships, including understanding consent and negotiating life online.
We wish to improve the physical and psychosocial well-being of pupils. Pupils with better health and well-being can achieve better academically, which in turn leads to greater success.
Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
Relationship, Sex and Health education became statutory in September 2020 and it is the intention of Stroud Green Primary School to teach high quality, age appropriate, pupil-sensitive, evidence-based RSHE that demonstrates a respect for the law and all communities. It is expected that RSHE will help pupils to learn about themselves and the world they live in, giving them the skills, understanding and information they need for life. This will help them to stay safe and to flourish, not just in childhood, but into adulthood and for the rest of their lives.
Click here for more information on how we teach RSHE
Our children are growing up in an increasingly complex world with new opportunities, but also new challenges. RSHE teaching is an important part of equipping our pupils for life in 21st century Britain, enabling them to embrace diversity, make the most of technology; understand the importance of, and develop the skills which lead to them being able to sustain healthy and strong relationships.
Relationships and health education is a statutory requirement for all primary schools in England. The government, Ofsted and local advisors recommend that sex education (how a baby is conceived and born) is also taught in primary school.
How do we teach PSHE and RHSE?
We have chosen to deliver PSHE and RHSE using the Jigsaw Programme from nursery to year 6. Jigsaw is a whole school approach and embodies a positive philosophy and creative teaching and learning activities to nurture children's development as compassionate and well-rounded human beings as well as building their capacity to learn. Written by teacher and psychotherapist, Jan Lever MBE (services to education) and teachers, and grounded in sound psychology, it also includes all the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education, and Sex Education is also included in the Changing Me Puzzle (unit). Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, compulsory Relationships and Health Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. It is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time at their own level. There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) and each year group is taught one lesson per week. All lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children's needs.Click here for our RSHE policy. -
The EYFS includes nursery and reception and has its own stand alone curriculum from the rest of the school.
Our vision for the Early Years is to create an inclusive environment that sets the foundations of all learning through play and high quality opportunities, whilst respecting children's cultures and celebrating diversity.
In the EYFS, we teach through a combination of play, child led and adult lead learning, following the new non statutory Development Matters
The 7 areas of development are:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
At Stroud Green, we have a different focus topic each half term to inspire, intrigue and excite our children, while giving them the opportunities they need to develop and learn. Have a look at our topics below!
Click here for our Caterpillars room (1-2) curriculum overview
Click here for our Cocoons room (2-3) curriculum overview
Click here for our Butterflies (3-4) curriculum overview
Click here for our Reception curriculum overview
Click here for our Early Years Policy
To find out some more about the EYFS click here
Phonics and Early Reading
Phonics and Early Reading
At Stroud Green, there is a genuine love of reading. In Early Years and Key Stage 1, children's love of books is encouraged through sharing stories, poetry and information, inviting book corners and our well-resourced school library, special events such as World Book Day and visitors including authors and poets. We have strong links with Beacon Books, our local bookshop, as well as Stroud Green Library.
We follow the Little Wandle revised Letters and Sounds programme to teach phonics in Early Years and Key Stage 1. In Nursery, children build an awareness of environmental sounds such as the sounds animals make, through games and songs. In Reception, children are taught letter sounds in groups, alongside 'tricky' common words, so they are able to begin to read and write short words and sentences. Children start Year 1 with a good knowledge of one way to write each of the 44 sounds, and are then taught other common ways to write each sound. They continue to develop their knowledge of common words and begin to read longer words and texts.
In the Summer term of Year 1, children take the Phonics Screening Check, a list of 40 real and pseudo words. This is intended to assess whether they have achieved a secure level of knowledge and understanding of the phonics they have been taught and allows us to see which children require further support with phonics in Year 2.
Guided reading takes place daily in Reception and Key Stage 1. We use the Book Band system to ensure children are reading a book that reflects their reading ability, and they are able to show their understanding of what they have read through answering questions with an adult. Through Guided Reading, children practise decoding as well as skills such as retrieval, clarifying meaning of new words, inference, prediction and sequencing, as well as learning about the features of different text types.
Each week, children are given a banded book in line with the sounds they have learnt in class that they should be able to read themselves, as well as choice books from the class book corner and/or school library, to encourage an enjoyment of reading at home. We believe this sets them off on a path for a lifetime of reading pleasure.
You can find more information about our phonics programme here