Friends of Stroud Green
About Us
The Friends of Stroud Green School and Nursery are a group of parents and carers who support staff in creating a wonderful learning environment for the children at SGS and nursery. Everyone who is a parent at the school is a member of The Friends and we always welcome people getting more involved.
Every year our fundraising efforts pay or contribute towards:
- Class trips and activities; recent highlights included a trip to the London Aquarium, a new swing set for nursery, a composting system for Eco Club, and a visit from Zoo Lab as part of science week.
- A winter term whole-school outing; in December we saw Aladdin at the Hackney Empire.
- A summer whole school trip; the last three years we all went to the beach at Margate.
We also raise funds for bigger projects and in recent years have contributed over £35,000 towards the replacement of the play structures and surfaces in both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.
How you can help
There are a number of ways you can contribute financially to our fundraising efforts:
- Direct donations with JustGiving
one off donations or a monthly direct debit are greatly appreciated and will go towards paying for things like art and sports equipment, trips and activities.
- Sign up for work place giving. Many companies offer work place giving schemes, either by match funding or through salary deductions before tax. Contact us if you would like to provide information to your workplace's scheme.
- Register at Easyfundraising and raise money for us every time you shop. And share with your friends and family too. We've raised over £7000 so far with them, and it's free to join.
- Label your child's belongings with products from Stikins (using school code 22563) or Stampastic.
As a registered charity (The Friends of Stroud Green School, Charity number 1112224) we can also claim gift aid on donations, so if you are a UK tax payer we will benefit even more. We are also registered with Justgiving and GoFundMe so you can choose us as your charity for a sponsored event of your choice.
We don't just raise money we also organise social and family events.
The Summer Festival and Winter Fair, weekly treat sales, film nights....our aim is to have fun, make new friends and bring everyone connected to the school together. We use Classlist to keep in touch with parents so join the 'Volunteering and getting involved' group there or email us if you'd like to get involved.
We meet once a term to decide on future fundraising plans and we hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year where the committee members are voted in. The committee for 2024 are Donna Fenby Taylor (Chair), Eliza Gil Jenkins (secretary) and Clare Lowe and Jonathan Davies (Co-treasurers).
Keep an eye out for notices on Classlist or the school newsletter for our next get-together, usually held at school or locally in the evening.
Have a look at our most recent meeting minutes here and our Annual report here to see the kind of things we do.